Rawr Ratings
Please be fair and honest as designers welcome your ratings and reviews as feedback
for all their hard work
Q. How can I rate and review a store? A. It's easy! While shopping at any
one of our designer’s shops (Store Guide), you will find a star- rating kiosk usually
near the entrance. Just click on a star located under the kiosk picture from 1-5
(5 being the best) and your rating will be automatically registered into this website's
Store Guide to the designated store. A pop-up notice will also be automatically
generated for an optional text review that you you may submit. You may also rate
and review your favorite designers through our Exclusive Fashioncentric Tour HUD
which also lets you know exactly what events are going on in the sim you're
in at any given time by going into Menu (click on the picture) and simply pressing
the Events button.
Q. Where can I see a store's rating and reviews? A. Store-rating information
can be viewed by clicking Store Guide on the Fashioncentric website, then typing
the store’s name in the search box and pressing “Search”. Reviews can be viewed
by clicking on the store listings picture.
Q. How do I determine a store's rating? A. A store will receive a 1 to 5-star
rating based on the level of compliance. You may use the following categories as
a guideline:
- Product quality
- Order fulfillment
- Maintains good business standards
- Responds to inquiries within 2-3 business days
- Has a clearly published policy including FAQ/returns/help
- Resolves order problems swiftly and efficiently
- Honors prices displayed without any hassle or excuses
- Delivers merchandise in professional packaging
- Provides accessible, supportive, and professional customer-service
- Provides accurate product description and pricing